Youth Recognition Awards
Thank you so much for nominating children and youth in and from care across BC for Recognition Awards! We saw nominations from friends, social workers, teachers, youth workers, foster parents, family members and more! 438 young people received Recognition Awards in 2021, our highest number yet!
Thank you so much for nominating children and youth in and from care across BC for Recognition Awards! We saw nominations from friends, social workers, teachers, youth workers, foster parents, family members and more! 438 young people received Recognition Awards in 2021, our highest number yet!
The words and phrases on this word cloud were pulled from the essays people wrote about the children and youth they were nominating for Awards. Check out all the amazing reasons young people were celebrated in 2021!
Ages 6-18:
In their Award package, each young person received:
- A card designed by a youth artist
- A letter with their nomination essay
- A $25 Amazon gift card
- A certificate signed by Mitzi Dean, Minister of Child and Family Development and Cory Heavener, ADM/Provincial Director of Child Welfare