Stand with children & youth in care after BCCYICW
Children and youth in care are just like all other young people. But despite their incredible diversity, resilience and talents, young people growing up with the government as their parent face unique obstacles and often poor outcomes.
Young people are taken into care by our governments, and by extension, all of us. Children and youth in foster homes, group homes, mental health, addiction and custody centres are everyone's children.
2018 Youth Profiles: Trent Jack, Jaclyn King, Jenni Johnson, Jenni Johnson (2)
Are you striving to be an ally to young people in care? Here are some youth-developed ideas that work all year round. Stay connected to the youth in care movement on Facebook and on all social media with hashtags:
#standwithyouthincare #jointhevillage #fosteringchange #youthincareareawesome #fosteringchange #Pledge2care
- Get Informed - learn about the 10,000 youth in and from care from or the MCFD site.
- Challenge Stigma - See the brilliance of young people in action on First Call's Youth Advocacy Team page
- Raise Awareness - Share our Facebook events and the work of youth in and from care.
- Volunteer - Work with the Fed or other youth-serving organizations!
- Connect - Bring youth from care you know to other organizations and get them into community.
- Vote - Choose candidates that put youth in care first.
- Donate - Donate to the Fed, or other youth-serving organizations
- Be a Champion - Celebrate BC Children and Youth in Care week!
- Foster or Adopt - Learn more at the Adoptive Families Association of BC and BC Foster Parents Association websites.